Do we ALL ground from the root chakra?

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During a phone call with Raven, we got on the topic of “grounding”.

A little background on me: I have always felt most in tune and most connected with my upper chakras. They were just naturally familiar; I never had to work to get to know them. The Third Eye chakra is my long-time bestie! After taking psychic development courses, I have since developed a very strong relationship with my heart chakra. I understand it; it feels like home.

The lower 3 chakras, however, remain more conceptual to me. I don’t intend to avoid them, I just don’t “get” them. It’s like I’m not fully fluent in their languages. When I try to learn about them, the information doesn’t stick. -=shrugs=-

Every grounding meditation I’ve ever used has had me visualize, and ground from, the root chakra. I swear I try. I never feel like I do it right. I know there isn’t really a right and wrong in visualizing, but it just never really feels …grounded? I have never felt deeply connected with the root space or those methods.

Anyhow, back to the conversation I had with Raven. I think I was asking her about grounding because I don’t get it. She was in the middle of a sentence about it and suddenly switched train of thought.

Raven: Don’t think about this, just answer me- What chakra do YOU ground from?

Me: The heart.

Raven: Yeah that’s what popped in for me, too- that YOU ground from the heart, and I think it has to do with your soul-origin. I ground from the sacral chakra and the reason is definitely connected to my soul-origin.

And just like that, it made sense! I had never thought about it that way, but when I need to soothe, or get back to feeling centered, I automatically go to heart center for connection and healing. For me, THAT is grounding.

You know how culture provides a blueprint for what feels right and normal? Well, maybe different souls come with slightly different instructions for accomplishing similar tasks. It is a very earthly connection from root chakra to Earth. I’m sure that feels familiar and safe for many people. Certainly, I am an earthly being at this time, wearing my skinsuit and everything! Heart chakra just feels more like home to me, and I think Raven’s right that we aren’t all created to function in exactly the same way. Maybe the history of our soul influences how we process. Just food for thought.

As for me, I’ll stop pressuring myself to ground in any prescribed way. At the same time, I will continue learning about those lower chakras. They are a part of my self-care meditations, and they certainly come up when I do readings for others!

Anyhow, I just thought it might be helpful to share this story because I never thought to question the popular method. So, if you are always feeling like a certain technique doesn’t quite work for you, ask your intuition how to accomplish the intended outcome in the best way for YOU!!

Your soul knows <3

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