I have to admit, the first million times I heard Light Language, I did not appreciate it. I couldn’t turn it off fast enough.
Just, no.
And it stayed that way for quite a while.
At some point, I found Activations With JJ on YouTube, heard her speaking Light language, and it didn’t give me the ICK! In fact, I wanted to let it play; sometimes listening actively and sometimes passively as I did my chores, but I didn’t need to escape it. Interesting! The stark difference in how I felt listening to JJ in comparison to any other Light Language made me curious as to why that would be.
This reminded me of how, in watching different spiritually focused accounts over the years, I had noticed that there were some I was just not drawn to watch. Either the speaker would get on my nerves, or I would zone out and not receive their message, or the message didn’t feel like it applied to me. There was a particular account that I avoided completely because it always felt like they were talking in code. This account is in English, my first language, but I was never able to receive anything from their videos. It felt as if it was in a language I don’t know, and I had written off that account completely. Of course, my mentor then sends me a link to one of their videos and tells me to watch it if I feel I should. I decided to try, knowing that I would probably get bored and turn it off. Well wouldn’t you know, that specific video did offer info I needed at the time. That was the moment I realized that the content I can’t be bothered with doesn’t just “suck”. My gut reaction to it is just how I know whether that message is for me, at least at that point in time.
With that in mind, I came to the conclusion that the icky feeling of needing to escape certain Light Language didn’t mean that those other channelers were wrong, and it didn’t mean that Light language was stupid or fake, which, honestly is a fair conclusion if all you ever feel from it is ICK. My new conclusion was that they just weren’t an energetic match for me, and I wouldn’t benefit from consuming that material. Those messages or vibrational information just wasn’t meant for me.
Fast forward to this week, I was listening to a dragon meditation I have really enjoyed in the past. In this particular meditation you are asked to sense the energetic frequency of your own being, or the frequency of your dragon; it’s hard to remember all the details of meditation, sorry! That said, I distinctly remember that it started out sounding like morse code. After that, some varying pitches and tempo started to come in, and it very much reminded me of Light Language! So, what I am now just beginning to understand is that Light language isn’t words in an order like our Earthly, spoken languages are. It is the energy of a being or the energy of a message. Light Language is just a way for us, in human form, to transmit and receive that information.
Some energies feel like they are meant for us to receive, and some do not. I’m sure there are more reasons for this than I know.
-Maybe some messages are Ph.D. level, and we aren’t finished high school yet.
-Maybe some messages are for specific beings.
-Maybe some messages would take us away from our task at hand.
I can only guess as to why, but I can easily tell what I am not called to take in, and I will continue to be open minded and also trust my intuition.
So, I encourage you to be curious! Trust your own feelings about whether or not something resonates with you. Be open minded about revisiting as you grow. Treat each instance as a new one, and check with your intuition each time. You couldn’t wrap your head around some concepts when you were 5 years old, but that doesn’t mean you should never learn that material as you grow.
Happy Exploring!